Dancer | Choreographer | Translator



Falls Kennedy

Falls Kennedy is a nerd who loves books and was fortunate enough to attend Barnard College, graduating Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude. There, she reveled in studies of, among other things: Medieval women adventurers, digital humanities, sound-based translation, and dance. At Barnard, she had the opportunity to perform work by Caitlin Trainor, Chase Brock, Doug Varone (staged by Hsaio-Jou Tang), John Heginbotham, Kevin Wynn, Mark Morris, and Twyla Tharp.

Today, she lives in Brooklyn, infiltrates the corporate world as a tech consultant, dances, and creates dances. Since graduating, she has performed her own work as well as works by Colleen Thomas and Caitlin Trainor. She is also a student of Mestre Alegria of Capoeira Luanda, under the name Cisne. Finally, she and co-founder Debbie Mausner also run an arts showcase series named Current Showcase.

Please celebrate all the Falls by checking out her current and past performances.

Performing “Falls falls” at Triskelion Arts with WAXworks. Photography by Katie Murphy.

Performing “Falls falls” at Triskelion Arts with WAXworks. Photography by Katie Murphy.